Iconic National Parks Of Zimbabwe – Hwange And Mana Pools

One of the premier destinations on the African continent, certainly within its southern regions is Zimbabwe. Famous for the world renowned ‘world wonder’ Victoria Falls, it is less well known internationally for 2 of its superb National Parks.

These are places of preservation for the precious wildlife of the country, some of it sadly endangered and of course a vital part of Zimbabwe’s massive tourist industry. Many of South Africa’s preferred luxury safari operators include Zimbabwe in package tours as it borders South Africa, Zambia and Botswana, all neighbours with exciting guided tour and safari destinations. For the purposes of this article though let’s explore these two Iconic National Parks of Zimbabwe – Hwange and Mana Pools…

Hwange National park

This is a place of stunning beauty – the African veld at its best with dry Savannah plains dotted with palm trees where Zebra, antelope and Wildebeest can run free, until stalked and brought down by predators. Here and there clusters of rocky outcrops and trees host the elusive Leopard and playful monkeys.

This is ‘big 5’ country where lion, leopard and cheetah are regularly seen, and night drives reveal the smaller nocturnal predators – Serval and Civet Cats and bat-eared foxes. Other special species include Sable, buffalo and eland who can easily be spotted on the open plains.

18 times the size of New York City, at 5,657 square miles, it has an estimated 50,000 elephants, a really impressive population, many of which are in large breeding herds of up to 300. These are seen throughout the park and are a favourite at the waterholes dotted throughout. There are also more than 100 different kinds of mammals and an estimated 400 bird species living in the scrub-land.

The lodges available in the park are luxurious and superb and rival any of the award-winning establishments in neighboring South Africa and Botswana. Here you can enjoy morning and afternoon game drives, bush walks and even sleep-outs in star beds or stay at the lodge and enjoy the view onto the lodge waterhole or wait for the perfect photography opportunity in one of the hides.

Most importantly, visiting Zimbabwe and supporting place like Hwange is an important way to help control the devastating poaching of Elephant and Rhino for their ivory tusks and horns.

Mana Pools National Park

Mana Pools National Park is also impressively populated with a myriad of Africa’s finest wildlife species and is one of the few places, where, at your own risk you can safari in a vehicle or on foot! The park encompasses the Zambezi River, flood plains and rocky escarpments and is a UNESCO declared World Heritage Site.

This place leaves the impression of stepping through a time warp to prehistoric times and comes highly recommended as a place which is unique and original.

The Park’s luxury lodges are all situated on the Zambezi River, with stunning views of the mountains of Angola beyond. Here, the magic of the River and the Park can be enjoyed during game drives, bush walks, canoe trips and boat cruises.

During game drives you can expect to see members of the Big 5 and a variety of plains game. The river teems with hippo’s and crocodiles, and your river guide will safely steer you away from them while on your canoe or boat. The boat cruises are a perfect way to experience the beauty of the River at sunset, as well as the colony of Carmine Bee-eaters that breed here in summer. Being so close to the water and the wildlife you will feel an amazing calm and peaceful ness descend on you. This is truly the best way to experience the wonder of the Zambezi and all it has to offer.

This is exactly the kind of thing at which local safari experts Jewel of Africa Safaris are brilliant! They will take you off the beaten track and tailor make the luxury safari tour of your dreams in these National Parks.

We hope this insight into Iconic National Parks of Zimbabwe – Hwange and Mana Pools has whet your appetite to contact us and come and experience Zimbabwe and all the great places that surround it. Whatever you need to see, we will arrange it, personally and professionally!


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